Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Running Blog Post #1

Welcome to my first post for my "running blog"! These running blog posts are more for documenting my own training/running regimen, not necessarily to educate readers, etc. Obviously, if you're able to take anything away from my running blog posts and apply it to your own fitness, that's great!

I want to preface this post with a confession: I'm not a runner. Actually, I'm not a long-distance runner. I've never had much interest in running races, seeing how far I can run, etc. A lot of this probably stems from the fact that I've always been tall and lean and therefore, my fitness goals have primarily been to increase strength and lean mass. Running is/can be counterproductive to those goals, so I've typically avoided taking on any kind of running regimen.

For the time being, there's not going anything impressive about these posts. As mentioned previously, these posts are to document my own progress. This first entry will combine weeks 1 and 2. Please feel free to comment!

*All days that include running, playing softball, etc., begin with warming up and then static and active stretches for hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and glutes.

Week 1 (October 4-9)

Monday - 1.25 mile run
Tuesday - 1.25 mile run (faster pace)
Wednesday - Resistance training w/weights (back, biceps, leg workout)
Thursday - Played softball
Friday - 1.9 mile run
Saturday - Rest

Week 1 notes: I did one day of SMR (self myofascial release), also known as Foam Rolling. I noticed an immediate improvement with my conditioning while I was doing the 1.9 mile run.

Week 2 (October 10-16)

Sunday - Rest
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 2 mile run
Wednesday - Resistance training (shoulder and bicep workout)
Thursday - Played softball
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest

Week 2 notes: I let too many distractions get in the way of my running regimen this past week. Despite being active 3 days of the week, I did not run often enough. Ideally, I would be running 3 times per week, playing softball once a week, and doing resistance training 3 days per week. Also, I wanted to get one day of cycling in this week, to give my knees a break but work on conditioning, but that didn't happen. I did do 1 day of SMR (foam rolling), but I need to be doing 2-3 days of foam rolling a week.

Thanks for checking in and reading my entries! I'll be posting these on a weekly basis from here on out. My next entry is already looking good, but you'll find out more next week as to what happened. Also, be sure to check out my training site at

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