Thursday, October 28, 2010

Running Blog Post #2

Welcome to my 2nd running blog post! This blog post is a journal of my 3rd week of training. This is the first time I've recorded any sort of exercise regimen online and needless to say, I was super excited to make this post since I was seeing progress and feeling great while running.

As with any exercise program, there will be ups and downs, the good and the bad, the positives and the negatives, etc. You get the idea. Some days we knock out an extra rep or two, lift an extra 5 lbs, knock off 30 seconds of our running time, etc. And sometimes we're not 100% and run a little slower, lift less weight, or sometimes we get injured and we have to take time off. It's part of the game, it's the norm, it's life, etc. We're human and we're fallible.

Last Wednesday (Oct. 20) I broke my right pinkie toe when I stubbed it on a box at home. Seriously? I wish I was kidding. I've broken two toes in the past, so I was positive of the extent of my injury immediately. It is a major understatement to say that I was heartbroken, disappointed, and upset. Running was becoming an outlet and excellent way for me to spend time by myself, all the while exercising and building upon something and constantly improving. Week by week - more minutes, more miles, pushing myself, feeling better, feeling stronger...

What's done is done and the past is the past. I've accepted my injury and I've moved on. I'll be back and I'll be stronger and faster than before. Anyways, I'm posting the 3rd week of training leading up to my broken toe. I'm sure one day I'll look back on this post and laugh. :)

Week 3 (October 17-23)
Monday - 2 mile run + Resistance training (tricep and bicep workout)
Tuesday - 2.5 mile run
Wednesday - Broke my toe!

Week 3 notes: Monday's run was challenging because my knees we real sore from playing softball the week before, which surprised me. Am I really getting old? Haha. After a few blocks though, I was warmed up and felt good. Tuesday's run was the best to date. It was the first time my knees weren't sore in the beginning and during the run. As a result, I pushed myself harder to go 2.5 miles and felt great doing it! Only downside was that my right shin was slightly sore, which is a problem I've had in the past. I just have to make sure to slowly increase my distances and allow my legs to recover in-between runs.

For now, this is the conclusion of my running blog posts. I'll be back though! Thanks for reading.

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